

DIY Build a Warré Beehive


Honey…Check out Today’s DIY!…(it includes a Free PDF Download) This DIY comes to us as a reminder of the importance that bees play in the pollination process & honey production. Many, many folks are getting into beekeeping & we want you to consider if it your opportunity permits. The hive is based on the book […]

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DIY: Rainwater Collection System


Today’s DIY comes to you from the folks at Wikihow.They did a great job of step-by-step photos. We recommend that your drinking water storage NOT come from rain water catchment for many reasons…one of them being that intergalactic aliens might have used that water as a wash basin without leaving a note. There are PLENTY […]

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DIY: Make Your Own Natural Neosporin!


Say goodbye to baldness forever! Well, not with today’s DIY remedy. BUT, if you or someone in the household is dealing with: diaper rash dry or chapped skin eczema a minor burn minor cuts scrapes, etc. then we’ve got the recipe for you! Check out today’s DIY “boo-boo” ointment from Mrs Happy Homemaker. If you’re […]

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DIY: Fish Hooks from Can Tab!


Today’s DIY post gives you an excuse to drink some beers or sodas from cans…or you can score some tabs from the recycling center if you don’t have any empty cans around the house. In any event, this project is simple, straight-forward, and should involve safety equipment because you’ll be exposed to sharp metal edges. […]

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Quarreling Ducks & Empty Lots


My walk this morning filled my lungs with the opportunity to breathe, to take and behold nature & life. For the species that I was able to observe, the chilly breeze of the overcast sunrise provided a one-way window into their lives, even if only for those moments. In the background, rumbling motors ran in […]

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DIY: {Hillbilly} Washing Machine


Check out today’s DIY Washing Machine! In case you don’t have a Faraday cage big enough for your washing machine, we’ve got you covered. Melissa at Refashionista decided to call her project a Hillbilly Washing Machine. This project is certainly not limited to hillbillies per se, so check it out & make your own…just make […]

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DIY: Convert Your Lawn Mower Into a Generator


Lies start wars. Heck, even facts start wars! But I mentioned lies because I want you to think about this one: I could easily live a few days without electricity. I can’t. My primary source of income will be removed when the grid goes down. I have back-ups and my back-ups have back-ups. Three of […]

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DIY: Create an Aged Farmhouse Table


Ever see a table that looks & feels old, has aged well, but is as sturdy as a new one? Here’s the secret: today’s DIY! You don’t have to live on the farm our out in the country to enjoy the decorative accent of well-aged furniture. Today’s DIY link provides you some tips that you […]

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DIY: Make a Keyhole Garden


Ever heard of a keyhole garden? Me neither…until now. The concept is simple & basically an elaborated raised-bed garden. This garden adds a feature that saves transferring & placing compost where its needed. The project is fairly labor intensive so make sure that you & your crew are ready for some PT (physical training) to […]

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