7 Royal Berkey® Systems Give-Away
Total of (7) Winners
Each winner will receive (1) New Royal Berkey® System
Have you ever wanted to win a ROYAL BERKEY® Water Purification System? Well, now's your chance, because (7)Lucky Fans will be randomly selected in our
7 Royal Berkey® Systems Give-Away!
The Retail Value of each Royal Berkey® Water Purification System: $283.00.
Each one comes with one pair of Black Berkey Elements,which are rated to produce a total of 6,000 gallons of water.
Enter below. (7) Winners will be chosen at random and notified via email when the Give-Away is over:
Give-Away is only open to USA & Canada*
*Customs and/or Duty Fees, if applicable, must be paid by recipient of Give-Away. Recipients assume full responsibility and release LPC Survival, Ltd. and Homestead Survival of any responsibility and/or liability in paying any associated fees. †Calculation of Retail Value includes an estimated shipping price of $20 USD.
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