For Best Results With Your Reusable Lids Follow Intstructions Closely (especially #5 and #7)
1. Inspect top of jar for cracks and nicks.
2. Wash, rinse and sterilize jars. Scald lids and rubber rings. Leave in water until ready to use.
3. Fill jars as indicated per canning instructions for that food type.
4. Wipe top of jar after filling. Place lid and rubber ring combination on jar.
5. Screw band on jar loosely. Center lid on jar and hold in place with finger while tightening the metal screw band finger-tip tight. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN. Product must be allowed to vent during processing.
6. Process as per instructions for various foods.
7. Tigthen metal band firmly immediatly upon removal from canner.
8. When jars have cooled, remove metal band and determine by feel if lids are securely sealed. Gently lifting on the lid will reveal any seal failure. Sealed jars may be stored without metal bands if desired.
9. When removing lid gently insert table knife between rubber and jar to release seal — DO NOT USE SHARP KNIFE.
10. Wash plastic lids and rubber rings, rinse, dry and store for future use. Do not save any rubber ring which is cut or deformed.
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