Provide Your Own Food
Whether food is plentiful or when it becomes scarce in a crisis, provident living means providing for your own with the resources available to you. Having the right quality of seeds is crucial! Our Emergency Seedbanks consist of open-pollinated, heirloom seeds which are 100% Non-hybrid & 100% Non-GMO.
Open-Pollinated – traditional varieties, grown and selected for their desirable traits. They grow well under the most basic conditions: mineral/nutrient-rich soil, air, sunlight, water, protection from harsh exposure, space. These seeds adapt to the local ecosystem, as opposed to modern hybrids, which are static. Open pollinated seeds have been pollinated by the same population of plants.
Heirloom – has been saved from the same open pollinated plant variety for several years. This crop’s generation will have similar characteristics to the original plants.
100% Non-hybrid – because these seeds are open-pollinated and heirloom, their offspring will continue true to original characteristics.
100% Non-GMO – these are free from Genetic Modification.
Packaging Makes a Difference
Proper packaging that ensures your seeds are alive when you need them.
Here are the features that make your Emergency Seedbank the highest quality:
Step 1: All of the seeds are dried to the optimum moisture content, between 5-8%, which “locks in” hardiness and maintains an extremely long storage life (up to10 years @ cool/dry/dark storage).
Step 2: Your seeds are packaged in a re-sealable, triple-layer, foil lined, air-tight bag with a tamper-proof seal. This bag blocks any moisture exchange but gives the seeds a small air reserve, so that they can stay alive and viable longer than if they were in a simple paper envelope or zip-lock bag.
Step 3: Your seeds are protected by putting them into a military grade water-resistant container! Your seed bank can be wrapped in a air-tight bag and buried for decades. The container can be used to store ammo, medicine, or other supplies.
Enough seeds to plant a 1-acre Victory Garden
You can re-use the bag with future seed harvests. If you freeze the seeds, you can keep them effective for up to decades. Each individual seed pack is labeled with the purity date, germination date and weight of seeds. Next, our seeds are packaged in a water-resistant airtight container, made in the USA. We believe that this type of storage container is the absolute best way to store seeds for the long term.
Hope for the best, but plan for the worst…Be Prepared!
Your Emergency Seedbank enables you to plant your very own 1-acre Victory garden year after year regardless of the economic conditions. It's guaranteed to stay on guard against any food shortage for the next 10 years, and is capable of producing a virtually unlimited amount of food for years to come.
Designed specifically for an emergency growing situation. Emergency Seed Bank combines the best types of survival seeds with superior packaging into a product you can depend on.
Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article