National Preparedness Month is Here. If you haven’t recently, now might be a good time to access your overall preparedness during National Preparedness Month. With so many reasons to have some of the essentials you’ll need on a daily basis at your disposal, it makes sense to take some time to do a needs assessment. […]
Archive | First-Aid
Hygiene – Keeping Clean in a Survival Situation
Hygiene – Keeping Clean in a Survival Situation In a SHTF situation, many urgent needs must be met: Is there enough food? Is there a source of clean water? Is there a safe shelter? Is there a means to protect yourself and your belongings? Are my teeth clean? Wait, what? Believe it or not, good […]
Suturing Wounds
Does the thought of Suturing Wounds make you queasy? The very definition of the word prepper is someone who has prepared themselves for as many disastrous situations as possible. They have prepared themselves in the event where the survival depends on things that they can manage on their own without the help of traditional services. […]
Having issues with Congestion? Try This to See if it Helps
DIY – Shower Bombs to Ease Congestion Whether due to allergies or a bad head cold, we have all suffered from congestion from one time or another. It feels awful doesn’t it? Your head feels like it weighs 100 pounds and your ears feel like they are stuffed with cotton. Apparently your nose has decided […]
DIY Burn Relief
“Don’t touch that, it’s hot!” is a phrase that has been uttered many times in many different languages. Minor burns unfortunately are a part of life and everyone at one time or another will have to deal with them. If the burn isn’t serious, there are many methods you can use for burn relief that […]
Winnie’s Virus Killing Soup
Virus killing Soup Really Works By Winnie One of the first things I do when someone in my house comes down with a nasty cold or worse, THE FLU is to get a pot of soup going. Many mothers from around the world know this trick: a bowl of hot soup not only comforts, but actually helps […]
DIY – Drawing Salve
DIY-Drawing Salve: Do you have slivers? Not anymore! If you’re like most people, you probably have at one time or another gotten a splinter that has been difficult to get out. Either it is really deep and hard to get to or the victim is a small child and they are wiggly and getting them […]
Hypothermia – Recognition and Treatment
What are the signs of Hypothermia? With the frigid temperatures here, it is vitally important to keep warm. Hypothermia is a very real danger that you have to be aware of. Hypothermia is when your body temperature drops below 95 degrees. Hypothermia, if not properly treated can lead to confusion and eventually death. I found […]
Uses for Pine Resin
Uses for Pine Resin – So Much More than a Sticky Mess If you’ve ever been out in a pine forest for any amount of time, you’ve probably had an unexpected encounter with some pine resin at one time or another. All you have to do is put your hand on a pine tree or sit […]
DIY – Natural Lice Repellant
DIY – Natural Lice Repellant Everyone at one time or another remembers a situation where there was a note sent home from school saying that the some poor child was infected with lice and that everyone needed to take the proper precautions to treat them. Whether it was yourself or a child of yours that […]