Start Your Preparedness Binder Today! What’s the most important component of your preparedness preparation? Is it water, food, shelter, emergency medicine, defense? The correct answer is . . . none of the above. Yes, you need those essential life-supporting items, (and a don’t tread on me mindset) but if you ask me what the most important part […]
Archive | Books

Fight the Flu with these 7 Herbs
Herbs are the oldest medicines that are still in use today throughout the world. The only problem is that if you don’t know what they are AND how to use them, you’re up a creek without a paddle…and your canoe has a leak. This brief video shares 7 herbs that can help you fight influenza […]

FREE Download: The Preparedness Review, Spring 2013
Todd Sepulveda (creator or Prepper Website) invited both Jeff & I to provide articles for The Preparedness Review, and we happily accepted. Jeff’s article is titled Don’t Waste Your Time…There’s Prepping to Do, and David’s article is titled Are You Knot Ready? Here are excerpts from both: I’m convinced that time management skills are what […]

Featured: DIY Soapmaking – How to Make Cold Process Soap
I have always had my reservations about lye. I think that it stems from the fact that as a young boy I heard more than a few instances of how lye killed someone or an animal from that person or pet from ingestion/direct contact. That has always stuck with me. The actual ingredient is sodium […]

Youtube of The Blade Show, ATL, GA: Sootch00 and The Berkey Guy
Sootch00 is a long-time friend of LPC Survival, Ltd. and Jeff “The Berkey Guy” Gleason. We are happy that Sootch00 and Jeff were finally able to meet in person at the recent Blade Show in Atlanta, GA. In the video, Jeff explains some of the products he had available at the show as well as […]
Featured Video: Top 10 EDC Items by Author Fernando Ferfal Aguirre
Our good friend and author of The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse, Fernando Ferfal Aguirre, made this video on 10 EDC (Every Day Carry) items. Please watch this video and let us know what you carry or recommend for EDC. Your feedback will help others improve their preps. Got a video you recommend […]

CERT Class
Last night, I attended my second class of C.E.R.T. training (Community Emergency Response Team). It was fun and I learned quite a bit. In last night’s class, we covered the following items: How to Assess a Situation When arriving at the scene of an emergent event, one of the easiest ways to avoid injury and […]
Getting Started with C.E.R.T.
This last week, I had the opportunity to participate in my first Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. I have to admit that I had been putting this off for quite some time, but am glad that I am finally getting involved now. The initial class was great. There are a few weeks remaining and […]
Featured: Dental Trauma, Knocked Out Tooth
The following article is used here with permission from our friends Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy. Enjoy! We have discussed the issue of trauma evaluation and treatment in various articles over the past year, but we have rarely brought up the issue of dental trauma. During the Vietnam war, medical personnel reported that there were […]
Six Survival Library Essentials Reviewed
Our friends at American Preppers Network have a great thing going with their forums and content they post. The greatest thing is that the APN is made up of good people like you. Check them out when you get a chance. Here’s a partial post by Jim Cobb. One of the first steps I often […]