
How To Begin Your Water Preparations: Overview


With the availability of so many products from so many sources, it's very easy to get overwhelmed when you want to begin or even beef-up your emergency/self-reliance supplies. Everything from medical supplies to sanitation, ammo to gardening tools, water to clothing, and more. So where do you start?

Take your pick. But my suggestion to you is to begin with the easiest and most important supply needed: WATER. Here are some things you need to know. If you've heard this already, then that should reinforce the importance of having safe, clean, drinkable (potable) water.

  • Have a mobile & portable water filtration & purification system available…Berkey Systems, hint, hint!
  • Have a water-consumption plan or assignment. This plan will assist you in calculating how much water you will need to store for your desired time-frame supply.
  • Have a short-term & a long-term supply of water available. I define short term as an amount that will last up to 90-Days. Your long-term water supply will concern water amounts to sustain 91-Days and beyond
  •  Have a contingency plan for accessing water from other sources. This is most successfully accomplished via establishing a network of like-minded and trusted individuals who value self-reliance and are seriously committed…In other words, people you can trust. It is also crucial that you think through logistics.
  • Develop items/skills which are valuable enough to barter in the event that you need to trade for access to water.

This post is the overview of a 5-part series that will address these key 5 points in greater detail. These suggestions serve as guidelines and should be considered as adaptable material to your individual situation and application.

Part 1/5        Part 2/5         Part 3a/5         Part 3b/5       Part 4/5         Part 5/5


-The Berkey Guy

3 Responses to How To Begin Your Water Preparations: Overview

  1. Les July 7, 2011 at 8:57 am #

    I have a Big Berkey and love it. I felt an immediate sense of relief when it was delivered. No matter what happens, I can provide clean drinking water for my family.

    • The Berkey Guy July 7, 2011 at 11:33 am #

      Thank you for sharing leslaroe! Have a great rest of the week!

  2. BadVooDooDaddy July 10, 2011 at 2:47 am #

    Jeff, I am loving my Berkey. I just need to get a couple of the sport berkeys to finish things off. The water that comes out of this water filter is the best.

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