As if there were not enough acronyms for governmental entities, try this one: ICS-CERT. I'm familiar with the citizen's corps of emergency response, CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) and FEMA's (Federal Emergency Management Agency) respective ICS (Incident Command System). I had to look up that acronym to discover that it actually stands for: Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team.
Basically, here's what the story amounts to:
- On November 10, 2011 Curran-Gardner Public Water District experienced a water pump burn-out.
- An initial report of the pump failure (from a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system) alleged the cause to a cyber-attack from an IP address in Russia.
- Illinois' Statewide Terrorism & Intelligence Center (STIC) learned of the event and informed the ICS-CERT on November 16, 2011 of the event.
- The water district requested an investigation to be conducted by ICS-CERT, in cooperation with the FBI.
- Analyses from the ICS-CERT and the FBI concluded that the initial reports referencing a cyber-attack were unconfirmed and without evidence to validate. To-date, the exact cause is reported to be unknown and still under analysis.
Read the original article HERE.
Read FEMA's PDF on the matter HERE.
-The Berkey Guy
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