
Tag Archives | creativity


Creative Gutter Gardens


We can’t all have huge greenhouses, or tons of acreage for growing our gardens. So for those of us living with limited space, or with more creativity, we can use gutters for our gardens!

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SUMMER FUN: Outdoor Games for the Kiddos


OK, now this post was a blast to read through and enjoy! I love having fun with my kiddos…especially when it involves cold water in the heat! We’ve found 20 outdoor games for you to explore with your family. Be sure to take the necessary precautions in being outdoors in hot weather. Remember, just a […]

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DIY Root Cellar


If you live in cold-weather country, then today’s DIY is perfect for you! Root cellars use the earth as a natural cold-box…especially for items that don’t need special attention like carrots, spuds, or beets! You will have a little sweating to do in order to dig & lay-in walls but if you build it right, […]

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