Herbs are the oldest medicines that are still in use today throughout the world. The only problem is that if you don’t know what they are AND how to use them, you’re up a creek without a paddle…and your canoe has a leak. This brief video shares 7 herbs that can help you fight influenza […]
Tag Archives | herbs
Featured Nurse Amy Post: Garlic As An Antibiotic
By LPC Survival on December 21, 2011 in Communications, Disaster Education & Preparation, Educational, Herb Seedbank, Herbal & Home Remedies, Organic Food Storage, Seeds, Water
The following article was written by Nurse Amy of DoomandBloom.net. It’s a great article on garlic. Enjoy!: In a collapse situation, it stands to reason that we may find ourselves without pharmaceutical medications. Pharmaceutical manufacture is a complex process involving a lot of chemicals (just see Dr. Bones articles on how to make Penicillin or the formula […]