It's no secret that Texas has been suffering from a severe drought this year. We have received calls from many residents throughout varying parts of the state, each expressing concern for the gravity of their situation. One particular customer I spoke with last week shared that she hopes she “dies of old age and not thirst.” Although her tone was a humorous one, the challenges which accompany imposed restrictions will have a direct affect on her garden, as well as the gardens of others who pursue self-reliant food practices. In fact, she also stated that the association which monitors the properties in her immediate area is issuing notices to individuals who are using water outside of recommendations.
There have been a few other individuals that I have spoken with on the phone who believe that the reports of the drought are fabrications calculated to deprive and control populations. Interesting.
The reality is simple: Store water. Store food. Store basic supplies that can make life a little easier and convenient for you during tough times and unexpected events. It's just a better way to live: Prepared, not paranoid!
This video speaks to the issue. We'll pray for rain, my friends in Texas! My apology for having to wait for the commercial before watching.
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