Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy offer references to valuable medical information to help you build your medical knowledge.
Hey Preppers,
This may sound a little crazy coming from someone who has a just put out a book for sale (The Doom and Bloom(tm) Survival Medicine Handbook), but there are a number of free resources available to you if you have a working computer and an empty wallet. Many of these sources of medical information are meant to help those in third world countries with limited technology at their disposal.
This type of situation, however, also mirrors that of a collapse situation in a developed country; it seems to me that there are some benefits to have access to these publications. The good folks at Hesperian.org have a number of free medical guides available to those with the inclination to read and some download space on their computer. I have to say that I don’t agree with everything written in every book (this is why we wrote our own book). Many of these guides, however, make an effort to provide knowledge that would be useful to those wanting to stay healthy in power-down situations, and are reasonable additions to your library. Some can be downloaded in Spanish. Here are some of the books available for free:
- Where There is No Doctor: Classic 3rd World medical handbook
- A Community Guide to Environmental Health: General guide to maintaining a sound environment.
- A Book for Midwives: A guide to birthing that baby!
- Where there is no Dentist: Important information that Preppers often ignore.
- Sanitation and Cleanliness: Nothing more important in tough times.
- Water for Life: Amen, brother!
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The weakness here is the need for computer equipment to read the material. Relatively big and bulky as a bugout item, needing electricity, hard to conceal, etc. Someone needs to work out a sandwich of an LCD laptop screen, a CD reader, and a solar charging array made from dead laptops.