What Would You Do In a Bug Out vs. Hunker Down Emergency Situation?
The idea of Bugging Out vs. Hunkering Down in an emergency situation is never cut and dry in our opinion. The type of situation, your preparedness and your location would really determine which is the best logical choice. Bugging Out is the idea of leaving your home and heading to a more remote location in a catastrophic emergency. Hunkering down is the idea of staying put in your home or in the home of friends or family members during a catastrophic emergency.
Both have their risk – reward and could spell disaster (no pun intended) if you make your decision based on fear. If you have young children that could be a game changer as well and the idea of hunkering down in the middle of a big city. That might be a dangerous place to be at the same time.
So what is the best option you might ask? Our friends over at the survivalistblog.com have given us some things to really consider if a catstrophic event were to happen. The key is preparation regardless of your choice, using logic and not fear to make your decision, and to weigh your options per emergency scenario instead of a blanket decision for all scenarios.
For more information read their article Bugging Out vs. Hunkering Down by M.D. Creekmore
So what are you prepared to do? We want to know, so please leave a comment and tell us your thoughts on this topic.
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Jeff “The Berkey Guy”
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