Start Your Preparedness Binder Today! What’s the most important component of your preparedness preparation? Is it water, food, shelter, emergency medicine, defense? The correct answer is . . . none of the above. Yes, you need those essential life-supporting items, (and a don’t tread on me mindset) but if you ask me what the most important part […]
Author Archive | jeff

The 3 Most Realistic Bug Out Shelters For Average Joes
(Written by Dan Let’s face it, if you’re a prepper, you’ve probably spent a fair amount of time thinking about the concept of a bug out shelter. It’s something that’s frequently talked about, and debated over. Often times people envision it as a stronghold in the middle of a remote mountain range that nobody […]

$25,000 Off Grid House – New Project From Open Building Institute
Self-sufficiency is all about controlling the variables, and unfortunately, modern-day housing has become one variable that’s very hard to control. But what if you could build a truly grid-independent home, for $25,000? And what if it could be done in 5 days? Well, that’s exactly what Marcin Jakubowski and the folks at Open Building Institute are doing. Marcin, […]

The Water Contaminants Guide by The Daily Prep
If you’re a prepper, you know all about the Berkey water filter. It’s the shiny metal canister that sits on your counter, and filters water using gravity. It has been around for a while and has lots of fans, so it’s easy to find reviews and statistics on it. But one thing that’s always left […]

The Prepper’s Primer: Gear, Skills, and Related Know-How
MD Creekmore, our good Friend at just came out with a New Book: The Prepper’s Primer: Gear, Skills, and Related Know-How Today I am excited to announce the official launch of my new downloadable eBook – The Prepper’s Primer: Gear, Skills, and Related Know-How. I have been working on this for months and […]
Exposing Another Food Storage Lie…
Recently a customer called to ask us about a chart that they found online on a web site that purported to have an “objective” opinion on food storage companies. They listed 10 food storage companies, 1 to 10. Many companies use “charts” to show why their products are better, but this was on a website […]
Stainless Steel Berkey System Warranty Update
This is Great News, warranty now longer for those who purchase a Stainless Steel Berkey System – The Berkey Guy Beginning 6/5/2015, the New Millennium Concepts Limited Warranty coverage period for stainless steel systems and components has been extended from six months to twelve months. Please refer to our Warranty to view this updated information, […]

Official Berkey Response to Toledo Ohio Algae Bloom
ALGAE BLOOM – FAQ Below is some information that might be helpful, with respect to the recent Algae Bloom and resulting contamination of the water supply to Toledo, Ohio: “…Cyanobacterial cells range in size from 0.5-1 μm to 40 μm in diameter…” In other words, it’s a long skinny bacteria. Reference: Internet research seems to […]

If You Don’t Put Together Your 72 Hour Survival Kit Now You’ll Hate Yourself Later!
Do you have a 72 Hour Survival Kit? Guest Post by M.D. Creekmore from This short modified excerpt is from my book 31 Days to Survival – this would also make a good bug out bag packing list, with a few modifications… As with any “prepping shopping list” you’ll need to tailor the suggestions listed below […]

Introducing: The Black Berkey Primer
You’re going to want this New Black Berkey Primer I have waited over a year to tell all of you about this amazing new device that is NOW available! Many of you have asked us this question, how do I prime my Black Berkey Elements if I do not have water pressure from a faucet? […]