“I’m bored!” is among the dreaded phrases heard by moms and dads when children become homebodies, trapped within the confines of shared living space, too hot or cold out, too light or dark, the part of the job that keeps school teachers employed. Here’s just the prescription to prevent stir-craziness AND promote discipline and the […]
Archive | Self-Reliance
Happy Thankgiving
Thanksgiving is a day we recognize with a federal holiday, a day where we collectively express gratitude for our privileges and opportunities. We’d like to express our thanks to you for your support of our business. We literally could not do this without you! As Christmas comes around and the New Year, we wish you […]
$25,000 Off Grid House – New Project From Open Building Institute
Self-sufficiency is all about controlling the variables, and unfortunately, modern-day housing has become one variable that’s very hard to control. But what if you could build a truly grid-independent home, for $25,000? And what if it could be done in 5 days? Well, that’s exactly what Marcin Jakubowski and the folks at Open Building Institute are doing. Marcin, […]
Items a prepper should never throw away
What are some items a prepper should never throw away It’s National Preparedness month in September and you’ll see a lot of information about getting prepared and the types of things you should have on hand. An important aspect of getting prepared should also include making the most out of the things you might already […]
National Preparedness Month is September!
National Preparedness Month is Here. If you haven’t recently, now might be a good time to access your overall preparedness during National Preparedness Month. With so many reasons to have some of the essentials you’ll need on a daily basis at your disposal, it makes sense to take some time to do a needs assessment. […]
Easy and inexpensive portable solar water heater DIY for under $10.00
Portable Solar water heater is a great survival tool to have in your preps. Hot water is something we all will want every day and especially in a SHTF scenario or unexpected emergency or disaster. It may not be something you’ll necessarily have access too without some forethought on your part. We’ve seen a lot […]
10 Deer Hunting Scouting Tips For Everyone
Could you use some Deer Hunting Scouting Tips? Even if you’re a tried and true veteran of the deer hunt, some of these tips might be something you can add to your bag of tricks. If you’re a novice or just had a season or two under your belt, these might really come in handy. […]
If You Don’t Put Together Your 72 Hour Survival Kit Now You’ll Hate Yourself Later!
Do you have a 72 Hour Survival Kit? Guest Post by M.D. Creekmore from www.thesurvivalistblog.net This short modified excerpt is from my book 31 Days to Survival – this would also make a good bug out bag packing list, with a few modifications… As with any “prepping shopping list” you’ll need to tailor the suggestions listed below […]
Introducing: The Black Berkey Primer
You’re going to want this New Black Berkey Primer I have waited over a year to tell all of you about this amazing new device that is NOW available! Many of you have asked us this question, how do I prime my Black Berkey Elements if I do not have water pressure from a faucet? […]
DIY of the day -Awesome & Inexpensive Camping Sink
Have you ever been camping and thought, “I sure could use a bigger sink right now?” In our daily journey through the web to find you helpful Diy projects, we came across an easy to follow inexpensive Camping Sink Diy made from a flexible Rubbermaid tub with a sink basket in the bottom and a […]