
Author Archive | David


Spring Games


It’s time for spring! Time to play outside and have fun! Check out these fun spring/Easter games you can share with all your family, friends, and neighbors.

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Build Confident Kids


As parents, we are the ones our kids turn to most for everything, including their sense of confidence. Check out these ways you can build confidence early in your children, so they can succeed.

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Strengthen Your Integrity


We all want to have character, but how can you build it in yourself? You can start with integrity, a value that leads to trustworthiness. Check out these 9 tips to strengthening your integrity.

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Should You Eat Before Bed?


You know when you get hungry for something right before bed? It turns out that it isn’t the end of the world if you eat something before hitting the sack. But you do need to be careful. Read all about it here.

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Saving for Your Next Vacation


It’s almost time to think about summer and summer vacations! Start planning and saving now for your vacation, and maybe you’ll get to do even more with your time away. Check out these 9 ways to save for your next vacation.

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Helping Someone Who’s Grieving


When someone you know experiences grief, it can be hard to know how you can help them. What can you say? What can you do? Well, click here to learn how you can help someone overcome loss and grief.

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