
Author Archive | David


Creative Gutter Gardens


We can’t all have huge greenhouses, or tons of acreage for growing our gardens. So for those of us living with limited space, or with more creativity, we can use gutters for our gardens!

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Spray Paint Brass Door Knobs


Revamping your house is expensive! But you can get a polished, updated look for less. For instance, you could try spray painting old brass doorknobs to look brand new. And done! A new look at a fraction of the cost!

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Make a Unique Clock End Table


Looking for a functional and unique end table. Look no further than this unique, beautiful end table made from a clock and pedestal. What time is it? Time to make this end table!

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Spread the Love with These Valentine’s Day Service Ideas


Valentine’s Day isn’t about giving a box of chocolates or a dozen roses to your significant other or Valentine exchanges at school. Well, I should say it isn’t just about that stuff. It should be a time to celebrate love for everyone. So spread the love this Valentine’s Day with these simple service activity ideas!

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