
Author Archive | LPC Survival


Radioactive Iodine 131: Potassium Iodate


Facts: (NOTE: We recommend printing this page and storing it with your Potassium Iodate) Potassium Iodate (KiO3) is a superior form of Ki. Potassium Iodate will shield (or block) the Thyroid and prevent it from absorbing radioactive Iodine. – Each factory-sealed bottle contains 90 fresh tablets of Potassium Iodate 85 mg. – Because of the […]

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Burn Treatment by Alan Halcon @


The following article’s author, Alan Halcon, published it on February 28, 2011. We are re-posting it with his permission. You may also visit his website: for other great articles by Alan & his colleagues. Click Here for the original. The hypnotizing affect of a campfire can be relaxing and comforting, but it can also be dangerous. […]

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Preparedness Mindset Books: Making the Best of Basics: Family Preparedness Handbook


A Preparedness Lifestyle Resource! Never mind all the scare scenarios. Just close your eyes for a moment and imagine what would happen if you became ill and couldn’t work, or if an earthquake or hurricane or bomb left your community devastated. It happens all the time. When unexpected disasters happen, people who are even a […]

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Emergency Seedbank: Plant an Heirloom, Non-GMO, Non-hybrid, Victory Garden


Provide Your Own Food Whether food is plentiful or when it becomes scarce in a crisis, provident living means providing for your own with the resources available to you. Having the right quality of seeds is crucial! Our Emergency Seedbanks consist of open-pollinated, heirloom seeds which are 100% Non-hybrid & 100% Non-GMO. Open-Pollinated – traditional […]

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Water Storage Bag: Aquatanks 1 & 2


  Traditional 55 gallon drums are an excellent way to store water, although definitely not the easiest. The Aquaflex Aquatank was created for a variety of reasons. Here are a few: Easy storage Affordable Great for emergencies Sporting events Camping expeditions Gardening or greenhouses Farms RV’s Boats Watering livestock More… The possibilities are seemingly endless. […]

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The Sport Berkey: Portable Water Purification System


The Sport Berkey water bottle is the ultimate in personal water purification systems. Unlike the other Berkey water purification systems which are gravity-fed, the Sport Berkey provides on-demand purification. In other words, as you suck water from the straw, or simply squeeze the sides of the bottle, water is forced through its miniature Black Berkey […]

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