
Texas Drought Requires Trucks to Bring Water from Over 10 Miles Away


Spicewood Beach, Texas is now dealing with having to go the extra miles in order to access water to their community. Over one-thousand residents of the community have had to rely on water being trucked in from more than ten miles away.

The trucked-in water is being replenished several times a day, and residents now seem to have adapted. From having received their initial deliveries of water on Monday, the event now appears part of everyday life for the community.

This drought-which is the worst since Texas’ 1917 drought-has adversely cost farmers and ranchers billions of dollars and caused water-use restrictions throughout the state.

Over one-dozen public water systems in Texas are anticipated to run dry in less than 6 months, according to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The Dallas-Fort Worth area is apparently not being affected by the drought, unlike much of the rest of the state. The state’s aquifers have been affected because of lakes drying up.

Click HERE to read the original article which has been summarized in part in this post.

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One Response to Texas Drought Requires Trucks to Bring Water from Over 10 Miles Away

  1. Cathy February 4, 2012 at 10:18 am #

    Where I live in North Texas, the drought is officially over now. I’m not so sure about the rest of the state, but I hope that everyone in this great state is/will be receiving ample rains.

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