
Featured Post: Conversation with a Cardiologist Prepper


It should come as no surprise that our customers come to us from almost every profession and vocation, and from many diverse backgrounds. One such recent trend is the amount of physicians, yes, M.D.s who are purchasing products from us. We have physicians who are purchasing from us who practice medicine domestically in the United States, as well as those who practice abroad in foreign countries. Their purchasing isn't as interesting as their REASONS for purchasing.

Just yesterday, I had a conversation with an accomplished and peer-respected cardiologist from the Midwest. He was involved in providing medical care for those who were injured during last May's Joplin tornado that killed 160 people and caused billions of dollars in damage. He said some interesting things, including that in the aftermath of people rioting and looting, women were raped, and people were shot and killed by groups of individuals roaming in armed groups in pickup trucks, which was not reported in the news.

He talked about his close friends in public service, law enforcement, and the military who themselves are individually increasing their water storage and water purification supplies (he called us to purchase a Crown Berkey® with several other products), food storage, medical supplies, personal protection equipment, etc. He made specific mention to government agencies and similar organizations who are actively pursuing preparations at an increased rate.

The conversations this week that I shared with him, as well as another gentleman currently serving in the military, never have a tone of fear as the motus operandi. In fact, we generally laugh about similar facts and research which we all agree is relevant to becoming more self-reliant. Another interesting fact is that these military, law enforcement, and health professionals are each prepping without publicizing it amongst their peers. I notice a common trend (as with many of us self-reliant folk) that their peers in the workplace may not all share the same views of prepping as they do….and it's often best to keep personal matters such as these personal.

As a side note, it's funny to notice that the give-away that these customers are physicians, military, or law enforcement, is often by the emails that they provide to us.

We look forward to continuing to help Americans from all different walks of life…

“helping you prepare while time is on your side.”


2 Responses to Featured Post: Conversation with a Cardiologist Prepper

  1. John February 1, 2012 at 6:46 am #

    That’s fascinating. Thanks for letting your readers know.

  2. Grace February 1, 2012 at 8:24 am #

    This really is interesting and an important insight into the views of “Those in the know.”

    My veterinarian recently suggested, without explaining it and I didn’t push it, that we stockpile our pets meds. This makes me feel like maybe it’s a good idea to have some backups of my own, too. Food for thought.

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