
Archive | Self-Reliance

Suturing Wounds

Suturing Wounds


Does the thought of Suturing Wounds make you queasy? The very definition of the word prepper is someone who has prepared themselves for as many disastrous situations as possible. They have prepared themselves in the event where the survival depends on things that they can manage on their own without the help of traditional services. […]

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Starting Seeds

Starting Seeds


Starting Seeds – It’s That Time Again Spring is almost here! Can we get a hurray and and an amen? No, I don’t have spring fever and no, I am not of tired of spending most of my time indoors, why do you ask? With the temperatures warming up and the ground starting to thaw, […]

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Home Made Yogurt

Home Made Yogurt


Home Made Yogurt By Winnie The other day a few of my neighbor friends and I got together and shared some of our home made items. I shared my liquid and dry laundry detergent recipes, someone shared how to make window cleaner, but the most popular item of the evening was the home made yogurt. […]

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What The Situation In Kiev Teaches Us About Cash


One of the most common preparedness pieces of advice is to get out of debt. When you’re out of debt, you can begin planning for your future. Recent events in Kiev teach us about cash. There’s a lot more to financial preparedness than simply paying down your credit card. Getting those creditors off your back […]

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Preserving Eggs

Preserving Eggs With No Refrigeration


Preserving Eggs – No Refrigeration Required Do you remember the joy of finding Easter Eggs when you were young? Have you ever had the “joy” of finding an Easter Egg several months after Easter has passed? It has such a strong and distinctive smell that as soon as someone says, “It smells like rotten eggs”, […]

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