Todd Sepulveda (creator or Prepper Website) invited both Jeff & I to provide articles for The Preparedness Review, and we happily accepted. Jeff’s article is titled Don’t Waste Your Time…There’s Prepping to Do, and David’s article is titled Are You Knot Ready? Here are excerpts from both: I’m convinced that time management skills are what […]
Archive | SHTF
Honey, Don’t Forget To Take Your Bug Out Jacket.
This is a sketch of a prototype 72 hr survival/bug out jacket. It’s unique in it’s design. What do you think, thumbs up or down? Our Safe Harvest Seed Banks Are On Sale Right Now For a limited Time. Click Here to See all of our on sale items
Breaking News: Select Berkey Water Purification Systems Now Ship to California
Breaking News… We are now shipping the Berkey Water Purification systems listed above to California residents, effective immediately! The Black Berkeys® & PF2 Fluoride & Arsenic Reduction Elements are also now shipping to CA. Be sure to place your order before inventories are back-ordered! Here’s the deal in a nutshell: The manufacturer has determined that […]
DIY: Convert Your Lawn Mower Into a Generator
Lies start wars. Heck, even facts start wars! But I mentioned lies because I want you to think about this one: I could easily live a few days without electricity. I can’t. My primary source of income will be removed when the grid goes down. I have back-ups and my back-ups have back-ups. Three of […]
Thyroid Disease in Survival Situations by Doom and Bloom
We recently enjoyed some time in Hickory, North Carolina with Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy of Doom and Bloom. As always, they offered their suturing classes which SELL OUT at every Self-Reliance Expo! The Dr. & Nurse recently featured an article on thyroid disease that we find valuable. Here it is: Hey Prepper Nation, The […]
Featured Post: Bug Out Bags: Build your own or buy ready-made? -The Survival Mom™
We recently returned from the 2012 Survival Expo in Las Vegas this last weekend. It was a fun trip that allowed us to see our friends and make new ones. One of our friends we were very happy to see there was Lisa “The Survival Mom” Bedford and her husband. Lisa was kind enough to […]