
Couch Safe to protect your weapons



Couch Safe,do you like the idea?


Why not a couch safe!  For many of us it is the place we spend most of our relaxation time while in the house so it makes sense to have a safe nearby doesn't it?  Well that's the story you might want to tell your significant other if your hoping to get one of these bad boys. This couch safe that seemed pretty cool at first glance. When we went to the site we found that the cushions are also bullet proof and come with a strap so you can use it as shield plus it's is also fireproof like any good safe would be.

Just to make it even more interesting they can stop a .44 at point blank range! We don't recommend you test that out, lets just take their word for it after watching this video clip.

Learn more about it here >

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What other kind of applications could you see these ballistic cushions used for?

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