A quick and simple emergency lighting option
Let's say that the power has gone out. You need to get to your emergency candles but your kids are scared and don't want to sit in the dark. What can you do? Pull out a box of crayons! But how can the little ones color quietly while sitting in the dark? Did you know that a crayon will burn for approximately 15 -30 minutes and will do in a pinch for an emergency lighting solution? Of course this is only true if you have a something to light it with in the first place. So keep some matches handy.
The paper will act as a wick according to instructables.com and in a pinch you might be able to use the candle as a fire starter if you're outdoors.
So light up a crayon, put it in a mason jar for safety, go get some paper and have the kiddos draw a picture while you go and get the longer lasting candles. Who knows, the smell of the crayons might take you back to childhood and more carefree days.
Here's a video DIY from instructables
In case you missed the link: http://www.instructables.com/id/Crayon-Candle/
Need to make some longer lasting candles? Try some of these options:
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