Our good friend Fernando “The Modern Survivalist” Ferfal made this cool little video on YouTube. This fire starter is so simple that anyone can use it and it is SUPER affordable! Check it out:

Our good friend Fernando “The Modern Survivalist” Ferfal made this cool little video on YouTube. This fire starter is so simple that anyone can use it and it is SUPER affordable! Check it out:
Our good friend Sootch00 recently made a video on how to make your very own mini-stove that burns on denatured alcohol. You simply use aluminum cans and cut them to specific measurements as the video show. If you decide to do this project, be very careful and use all the necessary safety equipment to avoid […]
My first experiences with feeling rage as a kid came while I was doing yard work in our backyard. I remember it distinctly but I’m not sure if it was before I was nine or ten years old. In any event, I hated having to sweep the back porch and then our patio.I hated how […]
A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of interviewing David B. Rutherford, a former US Navy SEAL. David now dedicates himself full-time to building his company and educational message to the world through TeamFrogLogic. I began reading his book Frog Logic Field Manual for Adults: Self-Confidence before our interview. I am still reading it. […]
As so many consumers are concerned about doomsday befalling the world in December 2012, a seemingly equal amount of companies which supply “preparedness products” are intent on exploiting those fears, rational or not. To those kinds of companies, profits from fear-marketing are justified. We encourage individuals and families to become more self-reliant and prepared for […]
How many times have you ever felt burnt-out, spent, or unproductive? Although you are working and working, accomplishing priorities and achieving your goals little by little, you might feel as though you are in a rut. Although success is often perceived as the end-result of a continual applied effort, success is present every step of […]
What? You have stress in your life too? The following article has some great suggestions that we can all definitely use: One in five adults in the U.S. experienced a mental illness in 2010. So perhaps it’s not surprising that there is an unprecedented number of ads on TV for drugs that will supposedly treat […]
I have always had my reservations about lye. I think that it stems from the fact that as a young boy I heard more than a few instances of how lye killed someone or an animal from that person or pet from ingestion/direct contact. That has always stuck with me. The actual ingredient is sodium […]
Sootch00 is a long-time friend of LPC Survival, Ltd. and Jeff “The Berkey Guy” Gleason. We are happy that Sootch00 and Jeff were finally able to meet in person at the recent Blade Show in Atlanta, GA. In the video, Jeff explains some of the products he had available at the show as well as […]
I notice that not many users of honey actually know about the different uses of honey varieties in cooking. While doing your grocery shopping, have you ever been caught in a situation when you don’t know which honey floral variety you should get for that particular dish you wish to prepare for the day? In […]
Lifetime Warranty by The Berkey Guy
Our Exclusive Lifetime warranty for Berkey Water Filtration Systems ensures replacement of all Berkey canisters, spigots, washers, and wing nuts that fail due to faulty materials or workmanship. These items may be returned to us and we will send you new replacement items. There is no need to register with us; this warranty applies to any system purchased on our web site at www.directive21.com or over the phone on or after January 1, 2011.
This warranty does not cover damage caused by carelessness, accidents, or abuse of the system. Filters have a separate warranty. This Exclusive Lifetime warranty exists in addition to all other stated warranties on Berkey Systems.
To take advantage of your lifetime warranty on Berkey canisters, spigots, washers, or wing nuts, contact us at 877-886-3653. If possible, please have your receipt handy. Once you have reported the issue, you will be asked to ship the damaged parts to us. We will process the claim and, if it’s approved, ship the replacement parts to you within one business day. All shipping will be at the customer’s expense.
All other items have a manufacturer’s warranty of at least 90 days, and some are up to a year. If an item breaks due to a manufacturer defect, please call us at 877-886-3653.