
Archive | Shelter

Getting Started with C.E.R.T.


This last week, I had the opportunity to participate in my first Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. I have to admit that I had been putting this off for quite some time, but am glad that I am finally getting involved now. The initial class was great. There are a few weeks remaining and […]

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Lunch Ain’t Free!


For those of you fellow preppers out there, how many times have you heard this from your family, friends, or neighbors when they start talking about a disaster happening and they plan on living unprepared?: “I’ll just go to [insert your name here]’s house!” Chances are that even for those of us who live quietly, […]

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Video of Christopher Nyerges’ Survival/EDC Pack


Here’s a great video that makes you laugh & gives us a view into what Christopher carries in his survival kit. Be sure to check out when you can. They’re fun & educational, Enjoy!

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Featured Royal Berkey Review: Katie from


Our friend Katie at recently shared her experience with her Royal Berkey Water Purification system in her home. It is always great to see people enjoying clean water with their families. Below are some of the pictures that she featured on that blog post and a small excerpt from it. Click on the images […]

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SOS: Thoughts on Italy’s Costa Concordia’s Capsizing


The tragedy in Italy this weekend has definitely shaken many individuals who will be traveling on cruise ships, no doubt. While we are awaiting the causative details of this tragedy, we already know that Captain Francesco Schettino had deviated from the ship’s charted course. Five fatalities are the current count as of this writing, with many more […]

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Insta-Fire Fire Starter/Stand-Alone Fire Fuel


We all know that there are basically two-reasons to build a fire: Necessity Convenience Necessity Fire offers warmth, light, a safe method for heating and cooking food, protection, and the ability to sterilize tools and boil water. Campers and outdoor enthusiasts are no strangers to the methods of how to start a fire: matches conventional […]

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A Personal Lesson on Preparedness


I participated in the Boy Scout program when I was a teenager and enjoyed many experiences in that program. Of course, we camped out alot and played tons of Capture the Flag. I also had a few experiences which underscored the value of preparing for the unknown, especially unanticipated severe weather. One particular troop outing […]

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Featured SnoMan Article: 1-Day Emergency Plan

Featured SnoMan Article: 1-Day Emergency Plan


The following article is featured from our friend SnoMan @ Enjoy! You can be ready for emergencies in just one day I know tons of people who haven’t prepped because they have big plans and just can’t seem to get started. If you’re one of those people, this plan is for you. Follow these […]

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Volcano Collapsible Propane Grill


The Volcano Collapsible Propane Grill is quite possibly the coolest outdoor propane grill on the market! Seriously. Here are a few of the reasons (beyond the manufacturer’s selling points) why we decided to add it to The Berkey Guy’s selection of items available on The bulk and clamor of traditional grills does not lend […]

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