
Tag Archives | preparedness

Suturing Wounds

Suturing Wounds


Does the thought of Suturing Wounds make you queasy? The very definition of the word prepper is someone who has prepared themselves for as many disastrous situations as possible. They have prepared themselves in the event where the survival depends on things that they can manage on their own without the help of traditional services. […]

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Preserving Eggs

Preserving Eggs With No Refrigeration


Preserving Eggs – No Refrigeration Required Do you remember the joy of finding Easter Eggs when you were young? Have you ever had the “joy” of finding an Easter Egg several months after Easter has passed? It has such a strong and distinctive smell that as soon as someone says, “It smells like rotten eggs”, […]

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building a fire

Building a Fire


Tips on Building a Fire One of the most important skills in a survival situation is knowing how to build a fire. The difference in having a fire and not having one can oftentimes be the difference between life and death. A proper fire can warm you, keep you dry or help you to dry […]

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running from danger

Running From Danger – Straight Line or Not?


Running From Danger – Which is more effective? Straight Line or Zig Zag? “Serpentine! Serpentine!” is a line from a movie made in the 70s called “The In-Laws” where two men are trying to escape men shooting guns at them. The resulting scene is one that has been referred to many times in cinema since […]

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Gasoline Storage

Gasoline Storage – Why It’s An Important Part Of Your Preps


Gasoline Storage – Good to have around when the SHTF Every prepper worth his or her bug out bag knows the importance of having a well stocked food storage supply but when the SHTF, transportation is just as important. But what good does a car do you when the tank is empty? If the situation […]

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Hypothermia – Recognition and Treatment


What are the signs of Hypothermia? With the frigid temperatures here, it is vitally important to keep warm. Hypothermia is a very real danger that you have to be aware of. Hypothermia is when your body temperature drops below 95 degrees. Hypothermia, if not properly treated can lead to confusion and eventually death. I found […]

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