Last Minute Preps for an Emergency Could Make a Big Difference When impending disaster strikes, hopefully you will be prepared well in advance. There are times when you have a little time to prepare right beforehand. Like the recent typhoon in The Philippines, there were several days’ warning before the storm made landfall. With that […]
Tag Archives | short-term
Dental Hygiene – No Toothbrush? No Problem!
Dental Hygiene – Cleaning Your Teeth without a Toothbrush or Toothpaste Keeping your mouth clean is more important than not offending the people nearby with bad breath and gross teeth. When it comes to mouth health, it can be vital in how well you can function. If the SHTF and you’re struggling to survive, it would make […]
Living Without Electricity – Essentials to Consider
Basic Things To Remember When Living Without Electricity It has happened to all of us at one time or another. The power goes off and our world suddenly is without the conveniences of electricity. Whether due to an act of nature, something caused by man or simply a lifestyle choice, there are some basic essentials to […]
Featured Post: “EPA Study: Ground Water Contamination “Consistent With” Fracking”
West Virginia’s The State Journal published a story today that you should read and share with others. You might be familiar with news articles discussing the debate on hydraulic fracturing or “fracking.” Fracking is controversial because of the risk it poses to supplies of water. The issue is really that simple. The trickiest parts for […]
Water Purification Systems
It seems natural disasters are commanding the headlines more and more these days, and one message comes through loud and clear: it is critical for your family’s safety and well being that you are prepared in the event of flood, fire, earthquake, or any of the other challenges Mother Nature likes to throw our way. […]
Critical Thinking: 4 Food Storage Principles
Well, whatever the reason behind your interest in food storage, make sure to follow these four basic principles for storing food short-term & long-term: S.A.V.E. Store foods that you like & eat regularly. Add fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, if possible. Variety of food choices within your storage enhances the experience of using it. Educate & […]
Wise Food Storage: Your Personal In-Home Preparedness Store
Wise Food Storage provides a wide variety of options for families and individuals that are interested in stocking up on long term foods in case of emergency. We provide an assortment of great tasting gourmet food storage entrees that your family will love to eat! These ready-made freeze dry and dehydreated meals are prepared in […]