We recently enjoyed some time in Hickory, North Carolina with Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy of Doom and Bloom. As always, they offered their suturing classes which SELL OUT at every Self-Reliance Expo! The Dr. & Nurse recently featured an article on thyroid disease that we find valuable. Here it is: Hey Prepper Nation, The […]
Archive | Herbal & Home Remedies
Creative Uses of Honey Varieties in Cooking
I notice that not many users of honey actually know about the different uses of honey varieties in cooking. While doing your grocery shopping, have you ever been caught in a situation when you don’t know which honey floral variety you should get for that particular dish you wish to prepare for the day? In […]
Weaving with Christopher Nyerges from Doomsday Preppers
Earlier this year, Christopher Nyerges was recently featured on National Geographic’s Doomsday Preppers. Most of us preppers got a laugh out of the show, especially those of us who know Christopher personally. I personally know that his first priority isn’t the bed of the Los Angeles river, foraging for wild greens with packets of salad […]
Getting Ready for the Self-Reliance Expo in Mesquite, Texas
Hey folks! We’re here in Mesquite, Texas getting ready for the Self-Reliance Expo. For more information about this Expo, and to learn when we’ll be coming to your state, please visit SelfRelianceExpo.com. We are excited for many reasons, one of which is that Texans are good people! They have wonderful hospitality, tell you exactly what […]
Featured Royal Berkey Review: Katie from KitchenStewardship.com
Our friend Katie at KitchenStewardship.com recently shared her experience with her Royal Berkey Water Purification system in her home. It is always great to see people enjoying clean water with their families. Below are some of the pictures that she featured on that blog post and a small excerpt from it. Click on the images […]
Featured Medical Tip: Got Something in Your Eye?
One of the most important assets to possess during a less-than-desirable-situation is…one’s health! When life is “good” and you are not trapped on bed rest, recovering from a debilitating illness, or some other physical limitation, it’s easy to take good health for granted. Now, picture this: A sudden earthquake rattles your location and shuts down […]
Markdown.com: Herb Seed Bank Deal today through Jan. 30…or while supplies last!
Markdown.com is hosting an amazing deal on a product that we carry, the Herb Seed Bank. You’ll recall that the last deal of Emergency Seedbanks SOLD OUT…these might do the same! Markdown worked out a special deal with the manufacturer of the Herb Seed Bank to give everyone the opportunity to get better prepared at […]
Featured Post: Nurse Amy’s Prepper Cheese
The following article was originally published by Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy on December 18, 2010. It is featured here with their permission. Cheese making is basically a method of separating curds and whey from the milk, and then depending on the type of cheese, allowing the cheese to grow cultures over a period of […]
Featured Nurse Amy Post: Garlic As An Antibiotic
The following article was written by Nurse Amy of DoomandBloom.net. It’s a great article on garlic. Enjoy!: In a collapse situation, it stands to reason that we may find ourselves without pharmaceutical medications. Pharmaceutical manufacture is a complex process involving a lot of chemicals (just see Dr. Bones articles on how to make Penicillin or the formula […]