I notice that not many users of honey actually know about the different uses of honey varieties in cooking. While doing your grocery shopping, have you ever been caught in a situation when you don’t know which honey floral variety you should get for that particular dish you wish to prepare for the day? In […]
Archive | Organic Food Storage
Pet Preparedness 101: Part 1/2
Tune-In tonight 7pm CST to hear David SafeWater interview Sheri “The Organic Pet Lady” on The Berkey Guy Show”: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/doctorprepper/2012/05/09/the-berkey-guy-show-with-jeff-gleason Catastrophic events affect more than human lives; they endanger the lives of many of our family companions: pets. In consideration of the same kinds of events against which we prepare ourselves, our families, and our […]
Lunch Ain’t Free!
For those of you fellow preppers out there, how many times have you heard this from your family, friends, or neighbors when they start talking about a disaster happening and they plan on living unprepared?: “I’ll just go to [insert your name here]’s house!” Chances are that even for those of us who live quietly, […]
Controversy & Science of Pressure Cooking
Our friends at PantryParatus.com have written another great article that we are happy to share with you here today. We post it with their permission. Some swear by pressure cooking because of high altitude living constraints, meat tenderizing, energy reduction, nutrient preservation, or convenience. Other advise against it because it leaches antioxidants, makes meat stringy […]
Getting Ready for the Self-Reliance Expo in Mesquite, Texas
Hey folks! We’re here in Mesquite, Texas getting ready for the Self-Reliance Expo. For more information about this Expo, and to learn when we’ll be coming to your state, please visit SelfRelianceExpo.com. We are excited for many reasons, one of which is that Texans are good people! They have wonderful hospitality, tell you exactly what […]
Featured Post: Six Enemies of Food Storage
The following post was featured on BackdoorSurvival.com and you should read it. Gaye writes content that we can all read for new and reviewable information. I recently decided that I should up the ante when it comes to the items in my food storage and holy moly, have you seen the price of beans lately? […]
Markdown.com: Herb Seed Bank Deal today through Jan. 30…or while supplies last!
Markdown.com is hosting an amazing deal on a product that we carry, the Herb Seed Bank. You’ll recall that the last deal of Emergency Seedbanks SOLD OUT…these might do the same! Markdown worked out a special deal with the manufacturer of the Herb Seed Bank to give everyone the opportunity to get better prepared at […]
Featured Post: Nurse Amy’s Prepper Cheese
The following article was originally published by Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy on December 18, 2010. It is featured here with their permission. Cheese making is basically a method of separating curds and whey from the milk, and then depending on the type of cheese, allowing the cheese to grow cultures over a period of […]
Featured Post: The Complete Pictorial Guide to Quick Soaking Beans
I came across an awesome article by Angela from FoodStorageandSurvival.com. It offers a cool tip I never knew…until now! Enjoy! Sometimes when I want a meal with beans I remember the day before and soak my beans overnight. But sometimes I forget to get the beans soaking and remember in the late morning on the […]
Price Increase Update: Wise Food Meat Supply
Save 13% by purchasing Wise Food’s Real Meat Bucket THIS WEEK ONLY at $109! Effective Monday, January 23, 2012, the new price will be increased to $125.00, this is per Wise Food Company, the manufacturer of Wise Food Storage products. We offer Wise Food Products as a potential solution for individuals looking for food storage […]