
Archive | Homestead

dehydrating foods without electricity

Dehydrating Food Without Electricity


Dehydrating food without electricity, no problem. Dehydrating as a way to preserve food has been around for many centuries. It is a good way to set food aside when food is scarce or out of season. Dried food takes up less space and doesn’t weigh as much as fresh food. With today’s electrical dehydrators, dehydrating […]

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DIY - Mousetrap

DIY Mouse Trap with a Bucket


DIY Mouse Trap Without the Mess It is a sight no one wants to see. You walk into your food storage and there are telltale signs that a mouse has had a feast with your food. What do you do? You can go to the store and buy a few of the classic mousetraps. The problem with […]

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Winterizing Your Garden

Winterizing Your Garden


Did you know Winterizing Your Garden is important for the Spring? Now that winter is coming, it is time to prepare your garden to ensure that you will have a healthy, vibrant garden the next growing season. I found this article at Better Homes and Gardens with some really good tips on what to do to prepare […]

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Hiding Valuables

Hiding Valuables In Plain Sight – Because You Never Know


Hiding Valuables in Plain Sight Everyone has things that they want to keep safe. Whether it be you’re grandmother’s wedding ring or your guns, it is necessary to protect them from the dishwasher repairman, your daughter’s sketchy new boyfriend, or (if the SHTF) looters. The best places to hide your valuables might not be in […]

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Natural Ant Killer

DIY – Natural Ant Killer


Natural Ant Killer “It’s been ruined like ants on a picnic.” This phrase has been used many times for good reason. Have you ever had a problem with ants? How can such a tiny little animal be such a nuisance? Well, if you have ever found a trail of ants leading into your pantry only […]

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Weed Killer

DIY – Weed Killer


Home Made Weed Killer They are everywhere where they shouldn’t be. Noxious weeds can be found in every nook and cranny in my yard. They are persistent and I’m convinced that they will still be around when everything else on earth dies. It will be a world ruled by weeds and cockroaches with the occasional over […]

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Survival Cement

Survival Cement


Survival Cement, a.k.a Being Primitive Isn’t so Bad In the Southwest deserts, there are Anasazi ruins in the cliff walls that have been there for over 1000 years that are basically intact. The materials that they used to construct the walls were readily available. With a little but of clay-rich mud, grass and water, you […]

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